Month: March 2009

The Most Annoying Thing About March

March is the best month of the year and it’s because of college basketball. But there’s also something really annoying that happens at this time of the year, and this time around it’s a little magnified by a phenomenon that’s been going on all season long.

Why Bracket-Mania Is Not For Me

It is that time of the year when my e-mail inbox and Facebook inbox are loaded with offers to get in NCAA Bracket Challenges and office pools. Some are for fun and some are for money, but all of them offer heartbreak and frustration. Last year for the first time in years I did not fill out a NCAA Tournament Bracket ahead of the actual tournament.

Tournament Time: Top Ten Excuses for Skipping Work

It is that time of the year again, the first two days of the NCAA Tournament where they inconveniently schedule games during business hours on Thursday and Friday. For some employees catching the games is as simple as taking a paid day off or doing what I used to do, schedule an out of town business trip to allow you to take care of some important business like watching college hoops.